Meet Your Hormones: Discover the Hidden World of the Chemical Messengers in Your Body
Meet Your Hormones: Discover the Hidden World of the Chemical Messengers in Your Body
Humans have thousands, perhaps millions, of hormones in our bloodstreams. These complex chemical messengers regulate the function of our cells and organs. They keep our bodies working properly, coordinating processes like growth, fertility and metabolism.
Meet Your Hormones explores and explains this fascinating hidden world: what hormones are, what they do, and why we can't live without these super-fast chemical messengers. It includes in-depth profiles on each of the most important hormones at work in the human body and helpful advice on how we can look after our own health through greater knowledge of our hormones.
The book is laid out in four parts:
* An introduction to hormones: What are hormones, what they do and how they work; Who discovered hormones; How they are made and how they interact with the body's systems; Hormones with multiple functions; The science of endocrinology.
* The role of hormones: Growth; Bones; Sexual development and reproduction; Menopause and aging; Sleep; Brain function; Aggression, mood and stress; Blood pressure and heart function; the Immune response; Food metabolism and weight; Disease.
* Hormone deficiencies: What are the symptoms and effects? Plus lifestyle and dietary advice on how we can influence hormones.
* The future for hormones: The latest thinking and research; Where would we be without hormones and hormonal therapy; Hormone truths and myths; Use of hormones in agriculture; Hormones in genders and gender reassignment; Synthetic hormones; Fertility; Performance-enhancing drugs; Hormone inhibitors; Hormones in cancer; Digital hormones; New discoveries such as artificial glands, and the future for endocrinology
Like Meet Your Bacteria (9780228101260), Meet Your Hormones introduces readers to a part of the body that they may not consider until something goes wrong with it. It is a wide-ranging introduction to another secret but essential world inside your own body.